Q&A- Pekin Ducks
What Do I Need to Get Started?
Here is a basic list to get you started raising ducks and becoming more self- sufficient!
stock tank, or kiddie pool if you don't have a pond

How Many Should I start With?
It depends on what you are planning on raising them for, if you are raising them for egg production 1-2 ducks a family member is ideal. If you are raising them for meat the amount of ducks will depend on how much meat you plan on eating and how many you are willing or able to raise.

How Many Hens Per Drake Do I Need?
The ratio of hens per drake is 10:1.

Do I Need a Drake For The Hens to Lay?
No, you do not need a drake for the hens to lay. But drakes are not loud and for this reason may be a better choice for people with close neighbors if you want to be hatching eggs but do not or cannot have a rooster.

Should I Get Adults or Ducklings?
It really depends on what you personally want and what's available, ducklings are more work and take longer to lay but they are more readily available.

Are Ducks Loud?
Only female ducks quack but are certainly not loud, if you have noise sensitive neighbors just keep the duck house as far as possible from them. Ducks are loudest at feeding time. Unlike chickens, duck hens do not announce when they have laid a egg, and the drakes do not crow making ducks a better choice as far as noise is concerned.

Are Pekins Good Egg Layers?
Pekins are very good layers! A hen will lay between 200-300, 3-ounce extra-large white eggs a year (A chicken rated as a good layer may lay less than 200 eggs in a year.)

Are Pekins Good Meat Birds?
Pekin ducks are one of the most popular duck breeds kept in the U.S. The selective breeding process used to create this breed allows them to produce extra-large eggs and more meat than the vast majority of duck breeds. Pekin duck meat is said to be free of the greasy taste and texture common to other duck meat. A six-week-old Pekin will weigh around 6 pounds and is at a good age and weight to butcher. This breed has a rapid weight gain and for that reason is commonly kept as a meat bird.

Do I Need a Pond?
Ducks need some sort of water to clean off in but it doesn't need to be a pond, we use a stock tank dug into the ground for our ducks, you can also use a kiddie pool.

What Fencing should I Use?
Pekin ducks are very easy to contain, as long as the fencing is about two feet high the ducks cannot get over it, the only problem is predators. If predators are a problem in your area, then we recommend electric fencing. Any electric fencing for chickens will work to keep out duck pretators too.

What Housing Do Pekins Need?
Housing for ducks is similar to housing for chickens. Some things that are important for a good duck house are
draft free
easy to clean
has nest boxes if the ducks are laying
is predator proof

What do I Feed My Ducks?
When they are ducklings and until they lay their first egg feed them duckling feed. Once the ducks start laying you can switch to a adult duck feed. They also enjoy eating bugs and other little critters they find, they will also graze.
Do not feed chicken feed to ducks, it doesn't have enough vitamin B3.

What Age Can The Ducklings Be Out Side All The Time?
At three weeks you can take the ducklings out of under the heat lamp and put them outside as long as they have a dry draft free place to go, and it is above 30 degrees. Once the ducklings have feathers, they can tolerate below freezing temperatures.

Can Pekins Fly?
No pekins cannot fly they are too heavy. But they will run and flap their wings as though they are trying to fly.

Can You Raise Ducks with Chickens?
As adults the ducks can share the same pen but you shouldn't keep ducklings with chicks as the chicks beaks can hurt the ducklings.

Are Pekins Good Foragers?
Yes, and if you allow your pekins to forage it will greatly decrease the amount of feed they eat.

Are Ducks Heat and Cold Tolerant?
Pekin ducks are highly regarded for their environmentally hardy nature even in places that have long, cold hard winters. These ducks love rain and are not bothered by heat or cold.