Summer started out very hot and humid here, but the evening of July 4th (just in time to do some fireworks!) we got a change of weather.

So instead of high 70's for a low and almost 100 during the day we have been having 60's and 80's! On Sunday it was still only 68 around 2:00 p.m.! We have also been getting a lot of rain, we still have two more months of summer, but this has been a nice break!
We have about 25 California quail that are now feathered. Last week we finished building a tractor for them so they could go outside.

We mainly followed the plans in John Suscovich's book "Stress Free Chicken Tractor". The instructions weren't very clear, and it seemed that some of the measurements were incorrect.

However, the design seems pretty good if you can figure out how to make it work. The quail should start laying in about two weeks.

Some of our Delaware's from this spring's batch of chicks have started laying, so hopefully more start soon.

Our bottle pig is now weaned but still free ranging and sleeping on a dog bed in the garage. At some point we will have to fence her in but for now she has free run of the farm. She currently weighs 48 pounds, we are hoping to get her to at least 200 by this winter, 152 pounds to go!
We recently purchased 12 more ducks to add to our flock, they are around two months old. We are going to keep them separate from our other flock until they start laying. We are currently keeping them in the orchard where they are doing a good job eating the grasshoppers in there.
On Sunday (4-7-24) the dogs found a little gray kitten in one of our trailer wheels. It was thin and covered in fleas, so we fed it and gave it a bath.

We will try and reach out to some people to see if they are looking for her or know someone who is, but otherwise we will keep it unless someone asks for it. However, it is so common to have stray cats in the country likely no one is looking for it. I think it is probably between six and eight weeks old.
