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  • Writer's pictureMelanie Hansen

Homemade fire starters

We are heating our home with a woodstove and to save money we decided to make our own fire starters. These starters are super quick and easy and can be made with supplies most people have laying around.

They are a great way to use up your empty paper egg cartons and dryer lint!

For these fire starters you will need

  • paper egg cartons

  • bees wax candles

  • dryer lint

  • matches

First take the lids off the cartons. Then fill each cup with dryer lint.

Now light the candle and drip about fifteen to twenty drops in each cup. The amount does not really matter to much it's only there to help it burn for longer, because if you only had lint it would burn up to fast and would not be able to catch the logs on fire.

Just be sure you don't do less than 15 drops.

To use tear one cup off and use it to light your fire in your wood stove!

These fire starters are so super easy and quick for these seventy starters I made I only used half of a candle! And only took about 5-10 minutes.

I used bees wax lantern candles, but you could use any candles you have on hand, as long as they are true bees wax.

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Jan 31

We may have to try this project!

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