Waiting list for Whitening True Blue female chicks!!!!!!
We are expecting a batch of female whitening true blue chicks the 23rd of March!
Sign up below to get on the waiting list and/or contact us to put a non-refundable deposit down to hold your desired number of chicks!
We are expecting to sell out quickly.
Here are some facts about these chicks!
Whitening True Blue chickens lay around 300 blue eggs a year and are one of McMurray hatchery's top sellers, but... the hatcheries are SOLD OUT of females for the rest of 2025!!!
These chicks/chickens can have any feather color, are unlikely to go broody, and can have earmuffs, or beards. Whitening True Blues will also breed true for egg color, meaning future generations will also lay blue eggs. This breed is also heat tolerant and has a good disposition.
Each chick is $20
The nonrefundable deposit for each chick will be $5
After submitting the form, we will send you a PayPal link to reserve your chicks!