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We are a small family farm in Claremore Oklahoma.
We raise Nigerian goats for milk, Grazing pigs for pork, Khaki Campbell ducks and variety of chickens for eggs, and California Quail. We also have a garden during the spring and summer.
We started in Texas, in the summer of 2020, with one pregnant Nigerian doe to milk, and two yearling does to help clear the property of poison ivy and breed later on, and Golden comet chickens for eggs. we also got a mini donkey to guard the goats. We kept the 3 female kids born from our doe to milk when they grew up.
In May of 2021 we purchased our first KuneKunes, two gilts and a boar.
In January 2022 we built our website for a place to advertise our farm.
In February we got our male Nigerian goat, and, in the spring of 2022, we got buff Orpington chickens and Pekin ducks from the farm store.
In April we got two New Zealand black rabbits, a pregnant doe and a buck, planning to have bunnies and also as a meat option.
We had our first two litters of piglets born in May of 2022.
In October 2022 We ordered easter egger hens (two ended up being roosters) and two prairie bluebell roosters to start our rainbow egg laying flock.
We got two red New Zealand does and a buck in December and a little while later we butchered our first 8 piglets.
Here at Long Creek Farm, we try to give our animals the most natural, happy lives we can. We achieve this through natural feeds, pasture rotation, and raising breeds that are naturally hardy and suited to alternative farming methods.
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